إنجازات مديرية الأوقاف بالأقصر عام 2023.. افتتاح 13 مسجدا

A series of successes were achieved by the Endowments Directorate in Luxor Governorate over the past year 2023, within the framework of the religious, national and social role of the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments and under the patronage of Dr. Mohamed Mukhtar Gomaa, Minister of Endowments and President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.
For his part, Sheikh Sayed Muhammad Abdel Dayem Mahmoud, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments in Luxor Governorate, revealed the harvest of advocacy and administrative activities in the directorate over the past year.
First: the lawsuit sector
Approval of 629 mosques and public libraries to participate in the summer educational program for children.
29 mosques were approved to conduct systematic lessons.
Adoption of 1 model reader in Luxor Endowments.
Approval of 117 general readings for the public.
Adopting 12 recitations for imams.
1256 member reading sessions were held.
272 mosques were approved to hold Iqra Council activities.
41 mosques were approved to hold the activities of the fixed platform program.
Holding 28 Cultural Week activities at Luxor Endowments.
Handing over the work to 3 new department managers.
340 imams’ recitation sessions were held.
5154 public reading sessions were held.
44 typical reading sessions were held.
Holding 33,600 advocacy convoys
33,600 break lessons were held
44,388 summer program sessions for children were held
14,796 educational program sessions were held for children
1305 lessons were held from the methodological lessons programme
372 sessions of the reading councils program were held
1,208 sessions of the joint fixed platform program between Al-Azhar and the Endowments were held
859 Fatwa Council seminars were held
112 Cultural Week lectures were held
Holding 85 educational seminars in partnership with the Palaces of Culture
Holding 100,800 religious lessons
Operating 12 various convoys to the mosques of Luxor Governorate
Conducting a preaching convoy in the city of Abu Simbel in Aswan
Launching 5 major campaigns to clean and sterilize mosques
Approving 90 mosques to hold lessons for young people
Approving 100 mosques to hold women’s classes there
Approving 1,274 mosques to perform Eid prayers there
Approval of 54 public squares in which to perform holiday prayers
Approval of 202 women’s prayer halls to perform holiday prayers there
3 mosques in the district obtained the quality certificate
29 seminars were held at the Intellectual Forum during the month of Ramadan
Installation of 4,560 water providers in mosques
1 Ramadan evening was held in partnership with the Youth and Sports Directorate
Holding 3 Ramadan evenings in partnership with the Palace of Culture in Luxor
The first Quranic week was held in the directorate
Six Quranic evenings were held to coincide with the Quranic Week
Second: Opening mosques
Opening of 13 mosques
1: Opening of the Al-Abadin Mosque in Qamula, Qarna, on Friday, 3/10/2023.
2: Opening of Al-Taqwa Mosque in Al-Toud Al-Balad in Al-Toud on Friday 3/17/2023
3: Opening of Sheikh Musa Mosque in Lalaqala in Al-Qarna on Friday 3/24/2023.
4: Opening of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Al-Rayana Parment on Friday 3/31/2023.
5: Opening of Al-Salam Mosque in the village of Abu Qali’i, Parment, on Friday, 31/3/
6: Opening of Sheikh Musa Mosque in Zinnia Bahri in Zinnia on Friday 4/7/2023.
7: Opening of the Al-Hijra Mosque in Al-Hawakam in Al-Bayadiya on Friday, 6/23/2023.
8: Opening of Nour al-Din Mosque in Qarna Mar’i in Qarna on Friday, 7/7/2023.
9: Opening of Al-Farouq Mosque in Nag Al-Rizqa in Al-Ba’irat in Al-Qarna on Friday 7/7/2023
10: Al-Taqwa Mosque was opened in the village of Al-Rawafa Al-Gharbiyya in Al-Bayadiya on Friday 9/1/2023.
11: The Hassan Ali Attia Mosque was opened in Al-Ba’irat in Al-Qarna on Friday 9/29/2023.
12: The opening of the Fatima Al-Zahra Mosque with riots in our city on Friday 11/24/2023.
13: Opening of Al-Atawa Mosque in Al-Rayyana Parment on Friday 12/1/2023
13: Opening of Al-Fateh Tafoura Mosque in Al-Baghdadi in Al-Bayadiya on Friday 12/15/2023
– Mosque furnishings
1: 53 mosques were furnished with new mihrab carpets, with an area estimated at 184,903 square metres
1: Al-Hussein Mosque in Mhamid Bahri Parment was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 116 meters.
2: The Muhammad Ibrahim Suleiman Mosque in Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 387 square meters.
3: Sheikh Amer Al-Ateeq Mosque in Qamoula, Qarna, was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 103 meters.
4: Al-Omda Jaber Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 220 square meters.
5: Sheikh Abed Mosque in Al-Madamud in Al-Zinia was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 103 meters.
6: Imam Al-Rifai Mosque in Naga Al-Arab, Basna, was furnished with new carpets imported from the Ministry, with an area of 240 square meters.
7: Furnishing the Al-Atiq Mosque – Haj Khalifa in Naga Diab, in the Al-Amari facility in Luxor, with new carpets imported from the Ministry, with an area of 246 meters.
8: Al-Nababata Mosque in Al-Rayaina Parment was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 270 square meters.
9: Al-Salam Mosque in Deir Basna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 160 square metres.
10: Sheikh Saeed Palmaris Mosque was carpeted with new carpets imported from the Ministry, with an area of 200 meters.
11: Al-Nour Mosque in Znika, Basfon, Basna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 194 square metres.
12: The Al-Atiq Mosque in Tarakhin was furnished with tile floors with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 250 meters.
13: The Burjab Mosque in Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 255 square meters.
14: Al-Rahman Mosque in Al-Hanadi Basna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 146 meters.
15: Sheikh Morsi Mosque in Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 695 square meters.
16: Sheikh Khalifa Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 205 meters.
17: Al-Nasr Mosque in Al-Fakhoura in Al-Amari facility in Luxor city was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 296 square meters.
18: The Ebad Al-Rahman Mosque in Al-Milaha in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 267 square meters.
19: The Al-Jamea Mosque in Austria was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 84 meters.
20: Al-Salehin Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 321 square meters.
21: Al-Sawakniyah Mosque in Austria, Basna, was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 352 square meters.
22: Al-Atiq Mosque in Al-Khudayrat, Al-Baghdadi, Al-Bayadiyah was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 344 square metres.
23: Al-Abadin Mosque in Qamula, Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 105 meters.
24: Al-Taqwa Mosque, Nag Hassan, in Al-Ziniyah Qibli, in Al-Ziniyah, was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 251 square meters.
25: Al-Rahman Mosque – Ali Attia – in East Al-Sikka, Luxor City, was furnished with new carpets imported from the Ministry, with an area of 98 square metres.
26: The Hebron Mosque – Khalil Al-Ammari – in Karnak, Luxor, was furnished with new carpets imported from the Ministry, with an area of 173 meters.
27: Al-Taqwa Mosque was furnished with tile, Al-Balad tile, with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 404 meters.
28: Sheikh Musa Mosque in Laqalata in Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 264 meters.
29: Al-Salam Mosque, east of Qarna Hospital, was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 220 square meters.
30: Al-Rahman Al-Rawajeh Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 292 meters.
31: Al-Rahman Al-Ababda Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 206 square metres.
32: Al-Salam Mosque in Babuglaei Parment was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 294 square metres.
33: The Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Al-Rayayna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 108 square meters.
34: Sheikh Musa Mosque in Zinnia Bahri in Zinnia was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 499 square meters.
35: Al-Mashatat Mosque in Luxor City was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 64 meters.
36: Al-Bayt Mosque on Qurna Island in Qurna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 270 square meters.
37- Al-Huda Mosque in Al-Qarna was furnished with new carpets received from the Ministry, with an area of 160 square meters.
38: Al-Atiq Mosque on the Nile Corniche in Basna was furnished with new mihrab carpets, with an area of 340 square meters.
39: Al-Liwaa Mosque in Al-Ba’airat in Al-Qarna was furnished with new mihrab carpets, with an area of 334 square meters.
40: The Sayyid al-Shuhada Mosque – Hamzah – in Al-Qarna was furnished with new mihrab carpets, with an area of 168 square meters.
41: The Hassan Ali Attia Mosque in Al-Ba’irat in Al-Qarna was furnished with new mihrab carpets, with an area of 216 square meters.
42: The Sheikh Al-Tayeb Mosque in Qamula, Qarna, with an area of 108 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
43: Al-Anwar Al-Muhammadiyya Mosque in Al-Ba’irat, Al-Qurna, with an area of 137 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
44: Al-Awmi Mosque in Qamula, Qarna, with an area of 140 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
45: Al-Attawa Mosque in Al-Rayayna was furnished with a parquet area of 300 square meters with new mihrab carpets.
46: Al-Ababda Mosque in Al-Adaysat Qibli was furnished with tile, with an area of 315 meters, with new mihrab carpets.
47: The Ahmed Abdel Karim Mosque in M’Hamid Qibli was furnished with parmant, with an area of 99 meters, with new mihrab carpets.
48: The Ali bin Abi Talib Mosque in Al-Ghawarba, with an area of 157 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
49: The Ananiya Mosque in Austria, with an area of 260 square meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
50: Abu Jawhar Mosque was furnished with tile, with an area of 235 square meters, with new mihrab carpets
51: The new Al-Rawajeh Mosque in Al-Qarna, with an area of 249 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
52: The Al-Atiq Mosque in Shaghoub Basna, with an area of 245 square meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
53: Al-Siwul Mosque in Al-Dab’iya, Al-Qarna, with an area of 411 meters, was furnished with new mihrab carpets.
Fourth: Quranic and scientific competitions
1: 24 competitions were held for which 1,149 contestants applied
Fifth: Training
1:- 4 different training programs were held in which 226 imams were trained
Sixth: Education and community participation
1: The Directorate’s participation in 8 public events
Seventh: Engineering sector
1: 7 mosque replacement and renovation operations were received
1: 7 mosque maintenance and restoration operations were received
1: Work is underway on 6 mosque replacements and renovations
1: Work is underway on 4 mosque maintenance and restoration operations
Eighth: Righteousness, good deeds, and community service
1: The Directorate donated 17 tons of meat to Luxor Governorate, represented by the Social Solidarity Directorate.
From the sacrificial meat and food deeds project to be distributed to the families most deserving of care
2: The Directorate donated 90 tons of sugar to Luxor Governorate, represented by the Social Solidarity Directorate, to be distributed to families in need of care.
3: The Directorate donated 90 tons of rice to Luxor Governorate, represented by the Social Solidarity Directorate, to be distributed to the most vulnerable families.
4: The Directorate donated 30 tons of pasta to Luxor Governorate, represented by the Social Solidarity Directorate, to be distributed to the most vulnerable families.
Ninth: Al-Azhar uniform and turban
1: The Directorate distributed 1,017 Azhar turbans to imams in the Directorate
2: The Directorate distributed 628 Azhar uniforms for imams in the Directorate
Tenth: Books and publications.
1: The Directorate presented the Imams with 120 copies of the book Al-Mukhtasar Al-Shafi.
2: The Directorate delivered to Luxor University one copy of the Encyclopedia of Islamic Culture
3: The Directorate donated 5 copies of the book Al-Mukhtasar Al-Shafi to Al-Azhar Girls’ College in Taiba.
4: The Directorate donated 10 copies of the book Al-Mukhtasar Al-Shafi to Al-Azhar District in Luxor.
5: The Directorate donated 20 copies of the book Al-Mukhtasar Al-Shafi to the preaching area in Luxor
6: The Directorate donated 11 copies of the book Al-Mukhtasar Al-Shafi to Luxor University.
7: Delivering 8 copies of the Noble Qur’an, 5 copies of the Book of Our Ethics, and 3 copies of the Book of Facilitation in Hajj to the winners of the Hajj Mabroor and Rawdah al-Nabawiyyah competitions.
Eleventh: Evaluation and care of workers
1: Issuing 171 decisions referring him to retirement
2: Granting 23 employees of the directorate a good loan
3: Issuing 14 health care cards
4: Granting the incentive bonus to 432 employees
Twelfth: Follow-up and evaluation
1: Issuing 577 punishment notices for some employees in the directorate
2: The Director of the Directorate conducted 15 field trips to visit mosques and their workers
3: 83 meetings were held with the leaders of the call in the directorate for the purpose of follow-up